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 Computers » Software » Workflow » Products

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A .NET based embeddable BPM workflow engine designed from the ground up for integration into applications.


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Enterprise-level workflow and business process management platform, focus on web-based process delivery.


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Business process management software company with focus on human-centric and adaptive workflow automation.


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Allows business analysts to model business processes, and integrate them with existing applications, automatically test and deploy the process while providing tools to execute, manage and track process activity.


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 15 - Legistar Browse Website open in new window
An integrated document management and information retrieval system designed specifically to support the legislative process in cities, towns, and counties.


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 16 - Pallas Athena Browse Website open in new window
Software vendor and consultancy, offering process modeling and workflow tools. Demo version of process modeling tool available for download.


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Provides Internet-deployed business management solutions. The company's flagship product, BusinessManager , lets customers automate business operations.


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 18 - Versata, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Business rules platform for agile application development.


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A complete suite of imaging and workflow solutions targeted at the OEM market and Banking and Financial Institutions.


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 20 - Singularity Ltd Browse Website open in new window
Singularity Process Platform is a component platform for process support in domains such as finance, telecoms, government, and healthcare.


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