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Castle Ventures help organizations reduce costs and operate more effectively by improving their business processes.


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EID has been providing document management and workflow consulting for over 20 years and is heavily involved in establishing industry standards. Our services range from feasibility studies to implementation management.


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 13 - BizWerkz Browse Website open in new window
Workflow specialists with business and technical services for smaller and mid sized companies in the Central Texas Area.


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 14 - ITG, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Iowa and Washington, D.C.-based process consultancy, focused on organizational improvement and performance measurement.


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Consulting and integration services for IBM/Lotus solutions, focus on IBM WebSphere's Business Integration portfolio.


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iicon ltd is an Imaging and Workflow Consultancy specialising in implementation of business critical electronic document management and workflow systems.


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 17 - FormSoft Group Browse Website open in new window
Provides enterprise workflow consulting, web application development, and training to corporate and government entities.


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Provides process automation and workflow solutions for medium-sized businesses. Ultimus reseller.


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A consulting firm focused on workflow process automation, using Groupware and Client/Server technologies. Custom design and application development, workflow automation, strategic planning and analysis, product selection, acquisition and installation,...


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Australasian distributor of Meta process modelling and simulation.


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