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Author of "No Silver Bullet", one of the classics of Software Engineering.


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 2 - Neumann, Peter Browse Website open in new window
Research interests include security, reliability, software engineering, and related fields. Moderates the online Risks Forum.


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A member of the Experimental Software Engineering Group at the University of Maryland.


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Includes a full description of the services offered by Weinberg's firm. Weinberg was the leading pioneer in recognizing that software development is something done by human beings and the implications of that.


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Steve is the author of Code Complete, Rapid Development and Project Survival Guide. Articles and reading lists.


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 6 - DeMarco, Tom Browse Website open in new window
His contributions to software engineering with his books and consulting.


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 7 - Shaw, Mary Browse Website open in new window
Alan J. Perlis Professor of Computer Science, Associate Dean for Professional Programs at CMU.


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Offers publications, books, research projects, presentations and course material on software engineering.


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Olympos Beach

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