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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Security » Parental Control

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   45 Back to Parental Control Home 

 21 - SmartBlock Browse Website open in new window
Filters incoming internet sites including pornographic, sexual, hate, violence, gambling, and other offensive content. (Win 95/98/Me)


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 22 - MoM Web Monitor Browse Website open in new window
Supervisor utility for URL logging, tracking and recording screen shots of Internet activity.


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 23 - Netintelligence Browse Website open in new window
Combining Anti Virus, Web filtering, IM recording, time controls withapplication monitoring. Licensed for up to 3 PCs.


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Suntereo is a parental control software for the Internet that will allow parents to decide what sites can be viewed. Requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.


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 25 - iMonitorPC Browse Website open in new window
Monitors application usage, website and chat activity, filters internet content and limits application usage.


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 26 - Internet Lock Browse Website open in new window
Controls internet usage, denying/allowing any program TCP/IP port access as necessary. Password protects internet connection, password protects web browsers.


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 27 - Surfwall Home Browse Website open in new window
Filtering tool which automatically blocks all adult websites listed on central server, and manually allows / blocks specified websites


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Allows parents to specify when and how long the computer can be used, and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. Has scheduled time intervals as well as hours per day limits.


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 29 - CleanComputer Browse Website open in new window
Listing of software tools aimed at cleaning computer systems and preventing offensive material from getting in.


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 30 - AllowBlock Browse Website open in new window
Blocks or allows visitation of websites based on predefined keywords or domain names.


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