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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Mathematics


Calculators (14) Graphing (7)  

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A statistical analysis program, that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis, and curve fitting. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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Is a modeling and simulation program, that can simulate the behavior of dynamic systems, such as electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic systems, or any combination of these. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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Editor primarily for math equations.


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Engineering tool for use by both students and professionals. Over 70 program modules and data tables are organized into one package.


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 5 - Graphmatica Browse Website open in new window
Is an equation plotter with numerical, and calculus features. It can graph Cartesian functions, relations and inequalities, plus polar, parametric, and ordinary differential equations. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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Program supports graphing, scientific, and financial calculations. Includes an expression evaluator, unit converter, general ledger, equations solver, and 2D/3D function plotter.


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Graphical block diagram simulator used to design and evaluate systems. Simulations in the time and frequency domain. Produces time, Bode and Nyquist plots. Supports user defined blocks and libraries.


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 8 - Kalkulator Browse Website open in new window
Offers standard functions, like logarithmic and exponential, trigonometric and inverse, hyperbolic and inverse, square, cube, and corresponding roots; Euler functions; statistical distribution functions; and user-defined functions. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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Equation Grapher is a function-plotting and analyzing program, and Regression Analyzer is an analyzing, and curve-finding program for statistical data.


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 10 - FindGraph Browse Website open in new window
Data-analysis, and graph plotting tool suitable for students and engineers. Regression analysis, neural network approximation. With graphics editor to easily add and move points.


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