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 Computers » Software » Shareware » Windows » Internet » Clients » WWW » Browsers » Add-ons


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Add-on for Internet Explorer version 5 that suppresses advertisements and a variety of other annoyances that degrades the quality of Web surfing.


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 2 - WeatherAloud Browse Website open in new window
Software which converts weather forecasts on web sites to spoken word. [Windows 95/98/NT/2000]


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AntiPopUp for Internet Explorer automatically closes a sponsor's popups. It acts as an Internet eraser by cleaning cache files, cookies, visited URLs, typed URL address dropdown list, and the history folders. Requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, In...


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Software blocks all advertisements from Internet Explorer, Netscape, and desktop applications. No setup needed, resides in the system tray, includes safe list, bypass hotkey, and sound effects.


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 5 - WebSite-Watcher Browse Website open in new window
Checks web sites for updates and changes. When changes are detected, it saves the last two versions to your hard disk and highlights all changes in the text. Supports IE/NS/Opera Browser-Integration, Import and Export.


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 6 - Historykill Browse Website open in new window
Delete Internet temp files, history and cookies. Stop annoying pop-up/pop-under ads. Automatically cover web surfing tracks immediately after closing the web browser. [Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP]


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Advertisement filter, real time cookie filter, protection from inappropriate contents, proxy server, and browser optimizer. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]


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 8 - Flash Catcher Browse Website open in new window
Internet Explorer browser add-on downloads flash animation from the web.


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Ad stopper software prevents unwanted ads from opening and stops many banner from loading while browsing the web.


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Download wonder allows users to continue browsing while files download, download multiple files simultaneously and download files to completion even if browser is closed.


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