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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Unix » Administration » Software

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A resource for solving those freeware sendmail issues


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Allows administrator to give restricted root access.


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a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and so on.


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FAI is a non interactive system to install a Debian Linux operating system on a PC cluster.


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The swbis project is a from-scratch implementation of the POSIX spec IEEE Std 1387.2-1995 which describes a format and utilities for software packaging. The scope of the POSIX spec includes a package format, meta-data file format, and utilities for pa...


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administration system for the Linux operating system. In many ways, Linuxconf is different from other administration schemes found on Unix operating systems and most other systems.


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A periodical command scheduler for Unix and Linux systems.


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Create DNS tables from hosts file and configuration file. Also add/delete hosts, aliases, nameservers, forward and reverse zones. Hosts and aliases added using dynamic update.


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This page is about the software I've written (or contributed to). I release all of my software under the GNU General Public License, or (where appropriate) the GNU Library General Public License. Check out the pages of the Free Software Foundation for...


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A suite of programs, scripts, guidelines, protocols, documentation, and diskettes, that assist in quick, network-based loads and builds of machines.


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