Several RTOSs with QoS focus: much research is done on networking support for continuous-media applications, very few projects tackle related OS issues, such as scheduling and file system support for bounded response time: overview, status, download, ...
Free for non-commercial use. Communication-oriented OS focused on network systems: network-attached devices, set-top boxes, and hand-held devices. Fast, customizable, based on new ways to structure and construct OSs: The Path: how data flows between e...
Object-oriented operating system for large-scale shared-memory multiprocessors. Minimizes data sharing via careful design: often eliminates data sharing even when sharing appears natural. Successor to Hurricane.
Has information loss become so crucial? Is there real demand for highly available networks? Or are network OEMs, fighting a bad economy, making high-tech versions of detergent ads claiming new and improved? Vaughan-Nichols and Associates.
SUpport for Multimedia in Operating systems, Lancaster University: microkernel OS with facilities to support distributed realtime and multimedia applications and ODP-based multimedia distributed application platforms.