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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Microsoft Windows » Windows 2000 » Security


Issues (2)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

The Security Administrator technical newsletter brings you practical, how-to articles about securing your Windows 2000 and NT systems.


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Windows specific security tools, patches, flaws, technical information and assistance in proactive measures to deal with security issues.


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Checklist to ensure Windows 2000 installations are secured properly.


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Read reports of new virus threats, try harmless but effective security tests online, access up-to-date information about email and network security.


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 5 - DeviceLock Browse Website open in new window
DeviceLock lets administrators specify user access permissions for removable devices (ports, floppies, and optical disks) on the local computer.


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 6 - NT Security.nu Browse Website open in new window
Security tools and information for Windows NT/2000.


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Microsoft Certified Gold Security Partner focusing on designing, deploying, and securing MS Windows based networks. Post forensic investigation and reparation. Security whitepapers available.


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 8 - Plan B Security Browse Website open in new window
A Windows-centric security weblog.


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Information and resources to secure Microsoft Windows NT/2000 systems and networks with the latest vulnerabilities and fixes, articles and support.


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Password protect workstation or server while viewing desktop


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