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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Internet » Web Browsers » Safari

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Apple's browser. Includes description of features.


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 2 - Surfin' Safari Browse Website open in new window
Weblog from David Hyatt, one of the engineers working on creating and updating Safari.


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 3 - Pimp My Safari Browse Website open in new window
Safari plugins, Applescripts, bookmarklets and news. For those wanting to customize Safari the way that Firefox can be customized.


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A search enhancement for Safari. It adds unlimited "Search Channels" to the Google search field. Channels can be customized in a nearly infinite variety of ways. Many features.


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 5 - PithHelmet Browse Website open in new window
An extended site preferences and ad blocking plugin for Apple's Safari browser. The basic purpose of the plugin is to allow the user to control the blocking of ad images, Flash, Shockwave or midi loops.


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 6 - Surfin' Safari Browse Website open in new window
Dave Hyatt's weblog about the creation and updates of Safari.


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 7 - Scifience Browse Website open in new window
Software for Safari including a speed optimizer, a debugging tool activator, and an "Aquifier" to change the appearance of Safari. [Shareware]


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Advanced web browsing history recorder and search utility (for Safari only).


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 9 - SafariSorter Browse Website open in new window
Sorts Safari bookmarks. Several convenient features.


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