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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Graphics

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Makers of graphics utilities such as 3D World, PhotoFix, and MacInteriors.


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By Code Line Communications, this software allows users to manipulate and analyze fonts. Offers a free 15-launch demo.


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 13 - Silhouette Browse Website open in new window
Bitmap-to-vectors converter with unique retouching tools. Available for OS-X. Offers news and quicktime video demonstrations.


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 14 - Kursiv GmbH Browse Website open in new window
Offers publishing software, including plug-ins, extensions, stock images and layout software. Offers trial versions available and online shop.


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 15 - PatchDance Browse Website open in new window
PatchDance is a new 3D graphics package. It is currently limited to modeling, is PowerMac only, and outperforms essentially everything else available on the Mac platform.


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