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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Linux » Networking » Projects


Distributions (6) Internet Mail - SMTP (1) Network Administration (41)
Network News Servers - NNTP (32)  

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The kernel level firewalling system in Linux 2.4. This site contains the source and documentation for the kernel-space code and user-space utilities.


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An open source host, service, and network monitoring program.


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 3 - Samba Project Browse Website open in new window
SMB Server for Linux that allows a Linux machine to connect and share files with a Windows machine and/or Windows-based network.


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The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load balancer running on the Linux operating system. The architecture of the cluster is transparent to end users.


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The FreeS/WAN project provides a free VPN solution for the Linux platform, allowing users to create an IPSEC/3DES virtual private network.


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Point-to-point tunnelling protocol server for Linux. Allows Linux machines to operate PPTP VPNs with Windows 2000 machines.


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The Linux Kernel Stream Control Transmission Protocol (lksctp) project is an implementation of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) in the Linux kernel.


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Software used to implement egress+ingress traffic control over multiple interfaces using the usual egress qdiscs.


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SNIPS/NOCOL systems and network monitoring software.


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 10 - UnWiredAP Browse Website open in new window
A Linux-based floppy distribution with support for Prism 2 and 2.5 WLAN cards.


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