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gnokii (from GNU-Nokia) is a project to develop tools and drivers for Nokia mobile phones for Linux, BSD and other Unixes/operating systems.


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Graphical manager for CDMA phones


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Graphical phone manager using Gammu as its backend.


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 4 - OpenSync Browse Website open in new window
A framework to synchronize PIM data between mobile devices like mobile phones, PDAs, desktop computer PIM tools and services.


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Information about mobile (cell) phones working with Linux.


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A console program that allows you to exchange certain types of data with mobile phones made by Siemens.


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 7 - OpenOBEX Browse Website open in new window
Free open source implementation of the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol.


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This distribution includes a library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems. Features include: modification of phonebooks stored in the mobile phone or on the SIM card, reading and writing of SMS messages stored in the mobile phone, sending an...


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 9 - linuxsms Browse Website open in new window
A script in Perl to send short messages to GSM phones.


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 10 - Moto4Lin Browse Website open in new window
Software to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K platform. It allows file system manipulations with Motorola phones.


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