Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) product for Microsoft Windows application developers, providing messaging capability between applications via a powerful ActiveX component.
The new generation of message broker for building multi-tiered applications. Cooperation of Business services developed in Java, Visual Basic, Delphi or C++, are performed by OpenMOM message brokers under the form of plug&play communicating compon...
Message server, delivering scalability, connectivity, and security for business-critical communication across the extended enterprise. Consulting, education and technical support, datasheet, and view a Flash demo.
A scalable, "pure Java" message queuing middleware. Softwired iBus is fully JMS (Java Message Service) compatible, and is used by eBay, UBS, the U.S. Department of Defense, and Xerox.
NetZyme Enterprise is Java (1.1 and2)- and C (ADA, Fortran, Cobol, and Perl)- based, has both message- and object-oriented middleware, has an open platform with extensible API, integrated development environment, RDBMS connection manager, fault tolera...
Thread-based discussion forums for MQSeries-related topics. Online repository for freely-distributable code. Covers MQSI, Workflow, Everywhere, and all APIs.
Specialise in computer and organisational communications, including middleware, distributed databases, image archiving, change management and workflow; and have led major projects based on MQSeries.