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 Computers » Software » Internet » Servers » WWW » Internet Information Services » Products

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   10

 1 - ISAPI_Rewrite Browse Website open in new window
Change the URL scheme of web site transparently for users and web applications, uses regular expressions to match an incoming request and to change request_uri. The expression engines allows the handling of many different requests though a single rule.


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 2 - PipeBoost Browse Website open in new window
HTTP Compression software for Microsoft IIS 4.0, 5.x. PipeBoost is add-on application for Microsoft Internet Information Server. Reduces bandwidth consumption and improves client download speeds.


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 3 - Helicon Tech Browse Website open in new window
IIS modules and Isapi filters for URL rewriting. Products include Isapi Rewrite which is a replacement for mod_rewrite on Windows Servers running IIS.


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 4 - Port80 Software Browse Website open in new window
Developers of Microsoft IIS Web software tools for acceleration, security, and usability.


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Enterprise systems management software utility that helps you remotely monitor and manage Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP based IIS servers.


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 6 - PSTRUH Software Browse Website open in new window
Developer of ISAPI filters and COM objects for IIS, including IIS Tracer, URL Replacer, and PureASP Upload.


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Tools for IIS logfile management, ODBC datasource reporting, IIS site reporting, among others.


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An IIS plug-in that makes the SMTP service immune to reverse NDR attacks.


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High-performance web site authentication, password protection, and user management for IIS.


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Web site administration software for IIS. By Virtual Business Link LLC.


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