Has webmail, support for virtual domains, anti virus scanning, and distribution lists. Includes features, screenshots, download, forum and documents. [Windows NT/2000/XP]
A complete installation of all features for Mail Server for the ISP and business market. Includes support for anti-spam techniques, virus scanning, management and user interfaces.
Accepts mail messages from local files or remote hosts by SMTP or UUCP, and delivers them to remote hosts or to files or programs on the local machine. Includes features, release information, and support. [Unix]
Scalable Windows email server with built-in spam blocking, content and antivirus filtering. Includes full mailing list functions, remote administration and support for browser based mail clients.
Includes chapters on how mail is delivered, fetchmail configuration, fixed IP solutions, sendmail ETRN command, batched SMTP solutions, setting up and testing UUCP.
Database-based server for Win2000/WinXP/Win2003 includes features of SMTP/POP3/SMTP Auth, ISP mailboxes binding, anti-spam, email monitoring, and UTF-8 web mail. Features, FAQ, Screenshot and Downloads. [Commercial, trial version]