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 Computers » Software » Internet » Servers » Directory


DSML (1) LDAP (9) X.500 (2)

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A tutorial aid to navigating various LDAP and X.500 resources on the Internet


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The Network Information Service (NIS) provides a simple network lookup service consisting of databases and processes. It was formerly known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP).


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a portable and customizable directory management system.


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An enterprise-wide, vendor-independent solution that enables large end-user organizations and service providers to access, manage and maintain mission-critical data that is stored in different data repositories.


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employee directory products help consolidate disparate employee data information into one resource.


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 6 - NetVision Browse Website open in new window
Monitoring and reporting of identity and access information on core network directories and file systems, including Microsoft Active Directory and Novell eDirectory.


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composed of companies with a common interest in the implementation, testing, deployment and usage of directory (both LDAP and X.500) products in the market place.


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