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 Computers » Software » Internet » Servers » Chat » IRC » Services

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 1 - IRC Services Browse Website open in new window
Unix-based IRC Services software.


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IRC services for ircu/Universal or ircu/Undernet P10 protocol networks; It provides NickServ, ChanServ, HelpServ, OperServ, and Global services as well as advanced proxy detection.


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 3 - NeoStats Browse Website open in new window
Network statistics gathering service including max users, top 10 channels or users by country.


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Runs on Windows providing ChanServ, NickServ, MemoServ, and a HelpServ.


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 5 - X2 Channel Browse Website open in new window
Provides universal ircd based IRC networks with channel, oper, and G-Line services. Works on POSIX, BSD, and Linux operating systems.


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A set of irc services for P10 written in pascal with a structure which makes it fairly easy to code and add service bots.


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 7 - Hybserv2 Browse Website open in new window
An improved version of the now unsupported Hybserv IRC services, specifically designed for Hybrid servers.


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Includes a mailing list, information on the services, and an online chat. Services run on all unix official operating systems and are supported by several ircds.


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