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 Computers » Software » Internet » Servers » Application


Articles (6) BEA WebLogic (3) ColdFusion (216)
IBM WebSphere (13) iPlanet Application Server (5) Java Enterprise Edition (23)
Microsoft Application Center (3) Microsoft Commerce Server (4) Open Source (17)
Zope (68)  

 Web Pages    1 - 8   of   8

A Java based application server which is using ECMA-Script as its scripting language. [Open source, BSD style license]


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Frontier is a full featured application server that connects to XML-RPC and SOAP services. It includes an object database, multithreaded runtime, a content management system, and a bundled http server. It costs $899.


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An application server that is designed for integration with applications developed in Inprise Delphi. By HREF Tools Corp.


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Enables businesses to syndicate complete, interactive Web applications and services to partner sites, allowing new forms of Web partnerships. By WebCollage, Inc.


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Turnkey Next Generation Application Server solution for Web and Wireless Application Hosting and enterprise environments such as ISPs and IT Departments.


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A web application server that combines web services and database services together. It provides session management, multi-level authentication, data encryption, load distribution and custom logics. By SQLData Systems, Inc.


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 7 - C Server Pages Browse Website open in new window
An application server that supports building web applications using C++ and templates with dynamics elements embedded. Supports Linux. By T. Gonzalez.


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 8 - WebObjects Browse Website open in new window
Tool for web application development and deployment. Currently available on *nix, WinNT, and Mac OS X. By Apple Computers, Inc.


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