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 Computers » Software » Internet » Clients » WWW » Browsers » Internet Explorer » Security

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   18

Brian Krebs explains the methodology behind the statistics that resulted in this headline.


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Describes a security hole which can be exploited to change users' search sites or to serve up offensive ads.


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Provides an overview and solutions to this vulnerability which, theoretically, affects all applications utilizing the Internet Explorer HTML rendering engine.


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Information on Internet and web browser security as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer security features and flaws.


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A hacker who discovered a potentially devastating security hole in Microsoft's Internet Explorer says he has found himself in the undesired position of providing technical support to people who cannot install the patch that Microsoft released to fix t...


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Advisory by GreyMagic Security explains how a vulnerability in elements can be exploited with data binding.


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Explains how the "ANALYZE.DLG" resource can be manipulated to allow the execution of arbitrary code in the My Computer" zone.


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Explains how the IMG element's dynsrc attribute can be exploited to test the existence of, find the size of, find the date last updated/modified of, and the creation date of, an arbitrary local file. By GreyMagic Security.


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An update that addresses a potential security issue with regard to the use of frames in Internet Explorer.


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Descriptions, and patch information, for vulnerabilities affecting various versions of this browser.


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