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 Computers » Software » Internet » Clients » Telnet


PC-to-Host (18) SSH (44)  

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Open source, fully featured Telnet/SSH applet/application with embedded VT320/ANSI emulation. It can be used to provide access to telnet services via a java capable WWW browser.


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Performs telnet and dialup. Supports BBSes, Zmodem, and optimization for various online/dialup databases.


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A telnet client, secure shell client and terminal emulator that allows a PC to connect to hosts and mainframes via telnet, secure shell (SSH/SSH2) modem, serial cable or ISDN.


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 4 - taTelnet Browse Website open in new window
Free (under the GNU General Public License) cross-platform Telnet program with versions for Windows and GNU/Linux.


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 5 - Telnet.org Browse Website open in new window
Provides information and resources on telnet applications and the protocol itself.


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Mac and Windows ports of terminals such as Webterm, 5pm Term, WebTerm X and eXodus.


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 7 - BetterTelnet Browse Website open in new window
for Mac OS


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Terminal emulation software for telnet operations for VT220/VT420/ANSI terminals.


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Connectivity software products that connect to Linux, SCO UNIX, AIX, and AMOS hosts.


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 10 - Useless Telnet Browse Website open in new window
A 3D Telnet client for Windows that displays its output like a Star Wars crawl.


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