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 Computers » Software » Internet » Clients » Chat » IRC » Bots » Eggdrop

 Web Pages    1 - 9   of   9

 1 - Baker Jr's Site Browse Website open in new window
Some unique modules and patches for eggdrops are available here. Also includes a number of tcl scripts you may find useful.


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 2 - Eggheads Browse Website open in new window
A large eggdrop site, and home to the current developers


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Lots of useful information from shells to a TCL library.


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Eggdrop and Energymech uptime contest, listing the ranks of each bot.


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A script search engine, script downloads, TCL and eggdrop documentation.


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The site is a source of precompiled eggdrops for when you find you are without a compiler on your shell. Also includes a useful knowledge base and a superb re-write of the eggdrop faq.


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Outdated collection of home made scripts.


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 8 - Stats.Mod Browse Website open in new window
Channel statistics module for eggdrop, with built in webserver for live statistics.


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Offers XDCC Pro, a file server script and Bogustrivia, a modified tcl version of the mIRC trivia script along with trivia databases and other utilities.


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