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 Computers » Software » Graphics » Textures

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Programs for texture creation and generation, as well as screensavers: Image Styles, Seamless Factory, Script Magic, Work Performer, Digital Waves and Texture Processor. (Windows only)


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 12 - Texture Workshop Browse Website open in new window
Multifunctional toolbox that allows turning practically any picture into a repeatable tile very quickly and easily. Such tiles are used as backgrounds of web pages, as wallpapers, as textures for 3D objects and for many other purposes. [Windows 95/98/...


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 13 - TextureMagic Browse Website open in new window
Bitmap editor to transform pictures into seamless textures. Offers plenty of effects and filters. (Mac 8, 9 and Mac OS X)


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Fast texture synthesis by nonparametric Markov Random Field (MRF) modeling, source code is provided, plus many free textures. (Windows)


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 15 - Images Generator Browse Website open in new window
Program has tools, which traditionally are used for drawing and editing images. The feature of the program is innovative functions for creation images including 3D images.


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 16 - ShaderMap Browse Website open in new window
Converts photos and diffuse textures to normal maps, displacement maps, specular maps, and more. A free command-line version is available for download. ShaderMap Pro, a graphical interface version, is available for purchase. (Windows)


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Picture generator based on mathematical expressions (TCL) for red, blue, green color components using coordinates, radius or angle variables. (Windows and Linux-ix86)


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A tool generating seamless textures from photographic images. Examples and trial version provided. (Windows)


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A ZBrush plug-in which features automatic UV unwrapping optimized for 3D sculpting purposes. Galleries and forums available.


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 20 - AlexCreates Browse Website open in new window
Offers several free image manipulation programs. Some of the tools create seamless Perlin textures. (Windows)


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