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 Computers » Software » Graphics » Companies

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 41 - DriveArt Browse Website open in new window
Digital Templates for photographic usage, wedding photography, children, events and portraits; Calendars; Graphic Effects and tools: digital effects, edges, patterns, backgrounds, textures, script for Painter, and brushes for Adobe Photoshop. Membersh...


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Manufacturer of color imaging software, offering EasyCopy and EasyConvert for screen capture, import and export of image files, support for more than 500 printers and other image communication tools for UNIX and Windows workstations.


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Develops and markets curve tool programs 'Ananya Curves' for licensing to computer graphics and CAD companies.


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Producers of Image Maker, Color Tube, Conversion Tube and Thumbnail Creator programs. Multi-lingual site.


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Software and hardware tools used to create real time content for television and other video display devices.


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 46 - One Video Browse Website open in new window
Retailing and distributing digital media products. Operations in the UK and Scandinavia, International orders welcome.


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 47 - Ransen Software Browse Website open in new window
Ransen develops graphic programs consisting of Repligator and Gliftic. Artistic Programming Tutor (R.A.P.T), a programming course on creating two-dimensional images by writing programs. Free graphics resources for download.


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 48 - CDH Productions Browse Website open in new window
Developers of image and video programs for editing, batch conversion, animation creation, and others solutions.


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