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 Computers » Software » Graphics » 3D

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Clinical Image and Processing software. National Institute of Health Supported Visualization software for radiological 3D imaging. Free downloadable Windows 2000/NT/9x software for volume rendering, image processing and surface rendering.


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Free ModelPress software is a 3D model publishing and viewing system that solves the problems associated with distributing native format 3D CAD models over web technologies or networks to personnel that do not have access to the original files.


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 13 - Illusion Browse Website open in new window
A particle effects system and compositing tool that adds countless particle effects to 3D animation or digitized video. Supports multiple layers and other functions to integrate its effects into a 3D environment. [Mac/Win]


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 14 - Pixels 3D Browse Website open in new window
A 3D graphic and animation software package. Provides resources to users and people looking to buy software.


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Shareware products include 3DMiracle a program for creating single image Stereograms and movies from depth masks and 3DMonster a tool for creating depth masks from 3d objects, importing from 3DS format. Useful information about 3d, several stereograms...


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Syflex is an extremely fast, stable and accurate cloth simulator plugin for Maya.


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'Spiralizer' generates any kinds of 3D spiral models for all renders that can import DXF objects. There is also the possibility to export to MORAY/Povray. 'Elefont' is a free tool to create 3D text objects from TTF fonts. They are generated into DXF-f...


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 18 - Shapescape Browse Website open in new window
Easy to use Windows program that automates the process of designing and constructing polyhedral models. It can also produce animated GIF files of rotating polyhedral.


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 19 - QuadriSpace Browse Website open in new window
Develops, an easy to use authoring environment with a proprietary 3D rendering engine. The product provides the ability to deliver engaging presentations using existing 3D models and 2D drawings.


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Free tool for creating 3D-looking elements for websites and software interfaces. Easily paint raised or lowered shapes such as buttons, rings, and boxes.


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