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 Computers » Software » Graphics » 3D » Rendering and Modelling » Blender

 Web Pages    1 - 7   of   7

Ccross platform 3D software solution from modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive creation and playback.


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Free sci-fi models and tutorial for Blender, videos, sounds, and pictures.


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Includes basic, and advanced streaming video tutorials on Blender, stereograms, and images and animation work.


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Blender beginner's site with tutorials and gallery with links to other tutorials, plugins and tools.


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 5 - Five o Clock Browse Website open in new window
Download several plugins for generating textures or doing postprocessing.


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 6 - Blender World Browse Website open in new window
Blender tutorials, gallery of Blender and POV images, and 3D graphics related links.


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Pre-order a copy of Blender QuickStart tutorial video with CD.


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Olympos Beach

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