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 Computers » Software » Document Imaging » Automated Forms Processing

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Supplier of advanced solutions for document processing, financial and non financial, with imaging and archiving capabilities. Panini specializes in paper treatment.


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 32 - formGenie Browse Website open in new window
Offers online form processing and e-document management systems for small businesses.


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Providing software and systems solutions in forms processing and automated data capture, using scanning, imaging, OCR/ICR, form identification, data validation, EDI, database, and other technologies


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Offers integrated remittance processing solutions tailored to meet each of our clients' business needs.


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Offer SDKs for form processing: ICR, OCR, BarCode, Line Removal, Deskew, Despeckle, Image I/O, Dynamic Thresholding, OCR-A/B for banking and postal applications, Form Removal.


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 36 - Ideatech Browse Website open in new window
Offers OCR software for Windows recognizing Ancient Greek and many modern languages.


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Supplies OMR (Optical Mark Reading) software to easily capture data from surveys, examinations and any other form you require.


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 38 - Pro_EDI - Browse Website open in new window
Complete EDI translation software supporting all X12 and EDIFACT versions and transaction sets for Windows, Unix and Linux. Supports HIPAA EDI standards. Offering Internet EDI Van Services.


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 39 - Fairfax Imaging Browse Website open in new window
Provides image-based products and solutions for the data capture and forms processing.


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 40 - Nuance: ScanSoft Browse Website open in new window
Supplier of speech and imaging solutions. Makers of OmniPage and PaperPort; two well-known OCR programs.


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