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 Computers » Software » Directories

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   116 Back to Directories Home 

 41 - Downloads Top 20 Browse Website open in new window
NetTop20.com's pick of the 20 best software downloads sites on the Net today.


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 42 - AllTheSoft.com Browse Website open in new window
Directories of all types of software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/2000.


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 43 - NewObjects Browse Website open in new window
Listing of retail products and applied development, major areas, ISAPI filters, ActiveX, Internet Explorer plug-in, system services and tools, Unix and Apache WEB programming.


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 44 - FreeBizFiles.com Browse Website open in new window
Business software downloads for both small and large businesses.


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Directory of freeware, shareware and computer services.


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 46 - SoftWareBusters Browse Website open in new window
Offers freeware and shareware downloads. Accepts software submissions from authors.


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Shareware, freeware, and demo applications and games for Windows, Mac, Linux computers.


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Shareware, freeware, commercial software and some hardware categorized by product function, and by top 100 products, suppliers, and popularity.


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A peer-to-peer network for sharing files.


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Various types of downloadable games.


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