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 Computers » Software » Databases » Oracle » Tools

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Oracle advanced tuning and monitoring - for DBAs and senior developers.


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 62 - Rep2excel Browse Website open in new window
Utility to convert Oracle 6i reports (CSS or HTML) to Microsoft Excel (XLS).


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IC Studio is a Shareware utility that provides GUI tools for ODBC/SQL query and database object management.


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Unicode Report writer for any ODBC compliant database.


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Application performance monitor for Oracle. Time based resource consumption analysis.


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 66 - Quickload Browse Website open in new window
An open-source command line utility to upload Excel files to a Database(MySQL/Oracle) with automatic creation of tables and columns.


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A web based tuning tool - works by analyzing SQL_TRACE and Oracle trace files.


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 68 - Aspeda Systems Browse Website open in new window
FusionCode: Monitor, diagnose and alert potential database problems.


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Database analysis software for Oracle. Monitor multiple machines, alert changes across multiple database instances.


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 70 - OraAlertCheck Browse Website open in new window
An Oracle alert.log watchdog, simple korn script that checks the Oracle alert log and sends mail when it detects an error.


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