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 Computers » Software » Databases » Object-Oriented » Products » Vendors

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The Versant Developer Suite is a distributed, replicated object-oriented database featuring online schema evolution, failover, asynchronous replication and SQL query capabilities. Multi language access from C++ and Java for several operating systems.


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A scalable, "post-relational" database with a multidimensional data and application server for distributed web applications. It offers a SQL interface, and bindings for C++, Java, ActiveX/VB, Delphi and CORBA.


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 3 - Objectivity Browse Website open in new window
Distributed, object database, with support for declaratively described transaction logic, quorum-based read/writes and schema evolution. Bindings for C++, Java, Smalltalk, and SQL.


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Offers GemStone and GemFire, distributed shared-memory OODBs with caching and (relational) data integration for Java, C++, and Smalltalk.


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Offers Matisse an replicated ODBMS with server-side SQL2, a version-based transaction mechanism and on-line schema evolution. Data definition languages is UML, bindings for several programming languages exist. A free developer version is available.


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 6 - Objectstore Browse Website open in new window
Provider of object data management products for Java, C++ and XML-based applications. Products include ObjectStore, PSE Pro and RTEE. Objectstore is the standard example of a page-server architecture, featuring also multi-version concurrency control, ...


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