JPivot is a JSP custom tag library that renders an OLAP table and chart. Users can perform typical OLAP navigations like drill down, slice and dice. It uses Mondrian and XMLA as its OLAP engines.
Develop ActiveReports and DynamiCube, ActiveX components that provide OLAP and reporting facilities for applications written in Visual Basic. ActiveReports won Productivity Award in the 10th Jolt Product Excellence and Productivity Awards.
Collection of information related to Online Analytical Processing and selected related disciplines including Data Warehousing (DW), Decision Support Systems (DSS), and Executive Information Systems (EIS). Maintained as a public service by Alta Plana C...
A list of links to white papers, (research) organizations, companies and product related to Data Warehousing, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and Data Mining. [English and German]