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 Computers » Software » Databases » IBM DB2 » Vendor Addons

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Specifically designed to enhance the performance of IBM DB2 Universal Database and IMS.


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Develops utilities that enhance and streamline the DB2 work environments with products that assist enterprise companies to maintain data integrity, manage batch process errors, and ensure that critical processes remain running.


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Develops program products which enhance IBM enterprise systems software. Among are products are Smart/RESTART and RLX.


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DB2 performance software, consulting and white papers. Buffer Pool Tool for DB2, DASD/Xpert for DB2.


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CDB Software leads the industry in manufacturing a suite of fast DB2 utilities for MVS and OS/390 operating systems.


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Enterprise web-enablement middleware solution which allows mainframe DB2 data to be available in standard XML format and combined with browser, thick or thin client GUI applications.


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 7 - Cogito Ltd Browse Website open in new window
Specialised in the development of software products which enhance the CA-IDMS environment by providing additional functionality and performance enhancements.


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SPICE/SQL for IBM DB2 systems, and SPICE/DLI for IBM IMS systems, provide automatic restart processing for batch applications. Also include restartable application tuning and development aids.


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