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 Computers » Software » Databases » Data Mining » Tool Vendors

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   64 Back to Tool Vendors Home 

 41 - Intelli-mine Browse Website open in new window
Provides analytical solutions that assist organizations improve the quality of their daily decisions.


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Consulting group specializing in data mining. Known for XAffinity.


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Collection of tools to identify and extract high-value business intelligence from DB2 data assets. Powerful visualization built in. A Text Mining tool is also available


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Tools that helps knowledge workers to present organized, understandable information in the right business context. Includes case studies and trial version.


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 45 - Stonefield Query Browse Website open in new window
End-user data mining, querying, reporting, and business intelligence tool. Also offer an associated development kit for building custom reporting.


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 46 - PolyVista, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Front-end software for Microsoft Analysis Services that integrates OLAP, data mining, and 3D data visualization.


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 47 - Direct Insite Browse Website open in new window
Providers of data mining and data visualization software, EBPP, professional services and transaction rating and billing services to the telecommunications market.


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RapAnalyst is a powerful application that transforms complex data into actionable information.


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 49 - Model and Mine Browse Website open in new window
Companion to the well regarded Data Preparation for Data Mining book by Dorian Pyle. Lists and reviews ETL and Mining software and resources, as well as articles by Pyle


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 50 - Screen Scraper Browse Website open in new window
Products and services for web site data extraction. Flagship product, screen-scraper, provides a GUI to define links to follow and information to extract, and works with several programming languages and platforms.


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