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 Computers » Software » Backup

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 41 - SynchronEX Browse Website open in new window
Windows software for synchronization and backup of files and directories, including additional features like finding duplicate files, incremental FTP, and empty directories. Software description, screenshots, and downloads. Shareware and freeware vers...


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Makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image (CDrec.iso), including backups of the Linux system to the same CD-ROM if space permits, or to a multi-volume CD-ROM set.


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 43 - PANTERASoft Browse Website open in new window
Sells Windows recovery software for flash memory devices. Also offers a freeware Windows utility for viewing Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) hard disk data.


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Automates Windows NT network file and data replication and distribution tasks, via FTP, dial-up or copy functions. Create redundant servers and update remote computers to ensure data integrity and availability.


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Provides online, offsite backup software, with a service provider edition and a business edition.


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 46 - Sprite Software Browse Website open in new window
Publisher of Sprite Backup (for Pocket PC and SmartPhone), and Sprite Clone (for imaging mobile devices).


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 47 - Orbit Software Browse Website open in new window
Specializing in Data Management Software for Windows, UNIX, HP3000 systems. Product include UltraBac, UNiBACK, HP 3000 tools.


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Backup software program for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. It supports both manual and automatic data backup.


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Provider of high availability and disaster recovery solutions, has developed the WANSync product suite to provide real-time replication and synchronization of files, applications and databases over WAN.


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Harbor NSM Backup suite is a client server solution for backup, recovery, archive, retrieval and automated disaster recovery. Harbor NSM on z/OS is an enterprise data backup and recovery software hosted on the OS/390 mainframe.


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