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 Computers » Security » Products and Tools

 Web Pages    101 - 110   of   115 Back to Products and Tools Home 

 101 - PC Lockdown Browse Website open in new window
Software that allows the remote lockdown of networked workstations. Product features, company information, FAQ and contact details.


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 102 - Putera Software Browse Website open in new window
Offers network management, anti-virus, IDS, screenlocking and personal firewall applications. Product details and downloads.


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 103 - New Media Security Browse Website open in new window
Provides solutions to protect data on mobile computers, laptops, PDAs, tablets and in emails and on CDs.


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 104 - Calyx Suite Browse Website open in new window
Offer token or biometric based authentication, with associated firewall, encryption and single sign on software. Technical documentation, reseller listings and trial downloads. Located in France.


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 105 - CT Holdings, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Develops, markets and supports security and administration software products for both computer networks and desktop personal computers. (Nasdaq: CITN).


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SIM (Security Information Management) technology provider. Assessing business risks and technology vulnerabilities surrounding IT security products.


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Security solutions for Unisys MCP/AS systems.


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 108 - Simpliciti Browse Website open in new window
Browser lockdown software to restrict web browsing.


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Self-service intranet-based user administration system enables managers to administer user access rights for their staff. Interfaces to Active Directory, NIS, Novell, OpenLDAP and others.


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PC data backup and recovery card, 3DES encryption utility and smart card access control system.


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