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 Computers » Security » Policy » Sample Policies

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NIST's collection of well over 100 security policies and related awareness materials, mostly from US Government bodies.


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Formal policy from the University of California covering email and other electronic communications mechanisms


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Electronic resource usage and security policies from the University of Pennsylvania.


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Policy covering appropriate use of information resources and IT at the University of Michigan.


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Example security policy for a data network from the University of Toronto.


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High level information security policy from Washington University.


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The Information Security Toolkit from UCISA (University Colleges and Information Systems Association) contains a suite of security policy and guidance documents reflecting and cross-referenced against BS7799, intended for use in universities. [PDF doc...


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Typical headings for a security policy aligned broadly with the ISO/IEC 27002 standard for information security management systems.


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Provides policies and resources on information security and other related topics.


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Information technology security policy at Murdoch University, complete with supporting standards and guidelines.


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