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 Computers » Security » Internet » WWW » Cross Site Scripting

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Advisory published jointly by the CERT Coordination Center, DoD-CERT, the DoD Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense (JTF-CND), the Federal Computer Incident Response Capability (FedCIRC), and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC).


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How the attack affects websites hosted on the Apache webserver and Apache specific issues.


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Answers questions on identification, threats, and prevention. Provides examples and links.


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Paul Lindner, author of the mod_perl cookbook, explains how to secure our sites against Cross-Site Scripting attacks using mod_perl and Apache::TaintRequest.


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Security consultant David deVitry offers background information, a free CSS vulnerability detector, and a list of vulnerable sites.


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Paper by EyeonSecurity explaining how to inject CSS attacks into Web applications which allow Flash content.


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Charles Schwab's online customers are at risk of having their account information accessed and their accounts manipulated due to the same software vulnerability that affected E-Trade's Web site in September.


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USA Today article by Byron Acohido that details WhiteHat Security's assessment of Hotmail, Yahoo, Amazon, and America Online.


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Article on this often overlooked threat with links.


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