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 Computers » Security » Biometrics » Related Products and Services

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Offer biometric, token and smartcard based strong authentication solutions for networks and applications. Single sign-on options. Head office in Fremont, CA.


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 2 - Nemesysco Ltd. Browse Website open in new window
Develops and manufactures voice analyzers for various uses, such as security, medical, fraud prevention, CRM and call centers environment, and even for entertainment purposes. Latest Truster Technology!


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Offers a biometric security software and hardware including PDA signature capture, authentication software.


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 4 - Truster (USA) Browse Website open in new window
Develops computerized lie detector systems based on real-time diagnosis of vocal segments.


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Manufactures conductive gels, sprays, lotions and skin preps for all ultrasound and electromedical technologies including those used for Ultrasound, Cardiology and Mammography.


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Biometric, radio frequency and token based security solutions for desktop and laptop computers.


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