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 Computers » Programming » Personal Pages » S

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   35 Back to S Home 

 11 - Soueid, Toni Browse Website open in new window
Offers a presentation of the author and a list of his writings and lectures.


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 12 - Schulz, Hannes Browse Website open in new window
Programs and scripts in Pascal, C++, BASH, Perl, PHP. About, resume, lectures and homeworks, LaTeX and obligatory pictures.


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 13 - Smith, Terry Browse Website open in new window
Free .NET eBook: Doing Objects in VB.NET and C#. Multi-currency Nirvana with Java article. Book reviews. Resume.


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Personal presentation site. Java and Javascript topics, resume, articles, news.


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Contact info and CV. Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, C, Lisp, SQL sources and applications. Linux page.


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 16 - Setiadi, Robert Browse Website open in new window
Commercial and non-commercial software. Short story collection, game review, algorithms, joke collection, lyrics collection. Guestbook.


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 17 - Santos, Jonathan Browse Website open in new window
Skills. Collection of programming and design tips. Hobbies. Art attempts. Photos.


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News, projects (C++, C#) and other information concerning software development.


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 19 - Semack, Myron Browse Website open in new window
About. Weblog - The life of an embedded software engineer. Friends and technology links. Recommended reading (magazines and books).


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 20 - Stanyer, Paul Browse Website open in new window
Personal information and resume. Source code for various programming projects and also some complete programs.


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