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 Computers » Programming » Operating Systems

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A collection of source code, information, and links related to general Operating Systems Development on the Web.


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Notes on operating system theory, source code of describing actual construction of operating system in C programming language. Also OS construction related links to books, notes, tutorials, and news groups.


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TAJ is an object oriented operating system written in C++. It is a multitasking, multithreading and a multiuser operating system.


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By William Jolitz and Lynne Jolitz (authors of 386BSD OS). Good book to learn the kernel internals of 386 architecture operating systems.


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The mainframe continues to grow and transform itself while maintaining its reliability, security and speed.


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Old non-updated mirror online library covering a plethora of OS development topics. Datasheets, tutorials, reference manuals and hardware programming information.


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A bootstrap tutorial that includes assembly language code to demonstrate loading and executing a binary image from a FAT filesystem.


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Interactive tutorial about message passing, semaphores, and monitors.


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Includes discussion of virtual memory.


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 20 - Tuomo Kortesmaa Browse Website open in new window
Notes and example code for basic operating systems concepts, threads, sockets, and device drivers.


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