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 Computers » Programming » Methodologies » Object-Oriented » Companies and Consultants

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We provide expertise to help software development teams become proficient with (Rational) Unified Process (RUP), Use Cases, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Software Architecture.


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 2 - Metamaxim Browse Website open in new window
They provide behaviour-based executable modelling tools and consultancy.


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Provides training, mentoring, analyzing, designing, reviewing and consulting services for OO (Java, C++, C#) software development.


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 4 - Dunstan Thomas Browse Website open in new window
Provides software architecture, design (OOA/D, UML), and development preocess consulting services in the UK and Europe.


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Neco's services on software development support, including training, methodological support and software component development.


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 6 - Empulsys Browse Website open in new window
A company in the Netherlands that helps organizations improve their software development capability. They provide consultancy services on the Rational Unified Process and software development capability assessment.


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A consulting and training firm specializing in Java and Smalltalk, object-oriented development, and agile methods such as XP.


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Independent consultant specializing in Object Technology, offering articles and presentations on Design, Patterns, Design Principles, Reuse, Software Process Improvement, RUP, XP, C++, Java, and PowerBuilder.


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 9 - Pallene Ltd. Browse Website open in new window
Offer consulting in process engineering with RUP and OO analysis and design with UML. Located in London, United Kingdom.


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