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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Visual


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Visual Obliq  

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 1 - Cycling '74 Browse Website open in new window
Sells Max/MSP and Jitter, a family of interactive graphical dataflow programming environments for audio, video, and graphical processing.


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 2 - VisiQuest Browse Website open in new window
A scientific data and image analysis product that has its own Visual Programming Environment. VisiQuest was formerly known as Khoros Pro of Khoral research. By AccuSoft Corporation.


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Petri Nets is a formal and graphical appealing language which is appropriate for modelling systems with concurrency.


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Visual parallel programming system, composes sequential programs into parallel programs for shared-memory multiprocessors and workstations running MPI or PVM.


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Large, well structured bibliography of papers on visual language research, also has brief list of links to other visual language related research resources.


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Brief, clear definition, explanation. [Wikipedia]


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Makes Khoros/Cantata visual dataflow programming language: rapid prototyping and cradle-to-grave software development, in a high productivity, integrated software systems environment.


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Make web applications by drawing flow diagrams instead of writing code; based on AJAX, one language for user interface, client side behavior, server side processing; descriptions, documents, forum, downloads.


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Framework where large computer simulations can be composed, executed, controlled, tuned interactively. Composing occurs via visual programming interface to a dataflow network. To execute programs, users specify parameters by graphical user interface r...


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Browser-based cross-platform, visual dataflow programming environment, coded in JavaScript, allows making programs graphically, without writing code, by drawing links between data, images, sounds, text, graphics. Open source.


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