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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Python » Development Tools » Performance and Testing

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 1 - PyChecker Browse Website open in new window
A tool for finding common bugs in Python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. [Open Source, BSD-like]


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Specializing (like a dynamic) compiler for Python, runs code 2-100 times faster, needs much memory; makes high level language faster. Descriptions, downloads (program, website), documents, news, links. [Open Source, MIT]


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An extensible unit testing framework for Python, based on Java's de facto standard JUnit framework.


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A tool for Web application testing. It implements a simple scripting language that can be used interactively or from scripts; this language contains commands for browsing the Web, filling out forms, and asserting various conditions.


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An extensible tool that checks if a module satisfies a given coding standard.


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