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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Pike

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

 1 - Pike Home Browse Website open in new window
Official site at Roxen Internet Software. Pike developer: documentation, mailing lists, and download links.


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 2 - Roxen Community Browse Website open in new window
Community for Roxen users and developers, based on the LysKOM conference system. Still in early alpha, so expect occasional bugs and crashes. Includes a Pike programming conference, of course.


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This is an unofficial FAQ list for the Pike programming language.


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The place to go when you need a Roxen module of any kind. Features discussion, information, and resources for Roxen users.


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A good beginners guide to Pike programming, written by Thomas Padron-McCarthy.


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 6 - Roxen WebServer Browse Website open in new window
A powerful, modular web server developed by Roxen Internet Software, written entirely in Pike. It was named Roxen Challenger before version 2.0.


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