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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Perl » WWW » Scripts

 Web Pages    31 - 39   of   39 Back to Scripts Home 

 31 - indexsoft Browse Website open in new window
Perl scripts: intuitive mailer, access manager, backups manager, .htpasswd manager, indexsoft site-up, files searcher. [Shareware]


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 32 - MyWebFTP Browse Website open in new window
Browser-based FTP client supporting file/directory browsing, creation, and renaming; file uploads; and chmod. Installation instructions and demonstration. [Freeware, commercial Pro version]


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Sample Perl scripts useful in establishing http server with CGI support: newuser.cgi, logon.cgi, sendmsg.cgi.


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Decyphile Bot - America Online Instant Messenger Bot. Also examples it using.


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 35 - On-Line Cookbook Browse Website open in new window
Virtual cookbook for web sites. Allows visitors to add, print and rate recipes. Free and commercial version.


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 36 - content-x Browse Website open in new window
Extracts HTML Content from static webpages. [Open source, GPL]


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A multi-user Web-based file manager which allows completely manage files online without the need for FTP access. Easily create and manage password-protected multi-user accounts. Upload, download, search, move, copy, rename, delete, MKDir, preview, CHM...


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Free, commercial and custom built Perl/mySQL scripts includes: SQL password/membership manager, quiz/survey, job matching, guest book, shopping cart.


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Offering free and shareware CGI scripts, including FormMail, Gallery, What's New.


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