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Senior programmer/analyst for the National Research Council, Canada. Links, publications, and obfuscated code he has written.


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 32 - Igumnov, Victor Browse Website open in new window
Perl examples and articles with a particular focus on using the language for web development.


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Weblog by the author of "Effective Perl Programming", with tips, idioms, and other topics related to the book.


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 34 - Poslusni, Jan Browse Website open in new window
Freelance Perl developer, includingApache, mod_perl, PostgreSQL, JavaScript/AJAX. Includes resume and description of projects.


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Author of CGI::Builder and Template::Magic, and advocate of the controversial "perlish" coding style.


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 36 - Pettingers.org Browse Website open in new window
Small collection of Perl scripts focusing on spam abatement and hacker deterrence for the Linux system administrator. Also iptables firewall configuration and Sendmail configuration.


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Articles about web programming with Perl, philosophy of web design and more or less abstract subjects.


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 38 - Meltzer, Kevin Browse Website open in new window
Author of 'Writing CGI Applications with Perl' book. Resume, author's articles, Perl poetry, list Perl books author suggest read.


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Maintainer of the CPAN, Perl 5 pumpking, module and book author.


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 40 - Ramberg, Marcus Browse Website open in new window
Perl discussion from the developer of the Catalyst framework, DBIx::Class, and numerous other projects.


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