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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Perl » Modules » Database

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

 1 - DBD::MySQL Browse Website open in new window
Basic abstraction layer for working with databases in Perl, a driver for using MySQL with DBI and a pure-Perl implementation of the MySQL client-server protocol.


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Listing of modules and their corresponding documentation.


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 3 - Class::DBI Browse Website open in new window
Provides a convenient abstraction layer to a database.


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 4 - The Poop Scoop Browse Website open in new window
A review of the various modules available for Perl Object-Oriented Persistence (POOP), including RDBMS-OO mappers.


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 5 - DBIx::Password Browse Website open in new window
Allows creation of a global password file for DB passwords.


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 6 - DBIWrapper Browse Website open in new window
Designed to facilitate easier access to databases using DBI. High level methods for reading, writing, committing and rolling back transactions are provided.


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 7 - Butler.pm Browse Website open in new window
A Perl module that enables Perl scripts to access the Butler SQL database. Currently, this only works on Macs, so this will only be useful with MacPerl.


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Two Perl classes for accessing Microsoft SQL Server from Perl from MS Windows only.


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 9 - DBIx::Browse Browse Website open in new window
Designed to facilitate the browsing (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) of related database tables. With demonstration.


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A Perl module used for the connection, retrieval and storage of data from various database applications.


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