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 Computers » Programming » Languages » PHP » Resources

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   29 Back to Resources Home 

 11 - phpPatterns Browse Website open in new window
A repository of sample software design patterns written in PHP, to help developers get the most of PHP's object oriented features.


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 12 - PHPBuilder.com Browse Website open in new window
The source for php developers with a variety of source codes and tutorials.


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A PHP and MySQL resource website for web development that has free PHP/MySQL scripts, online generators, PHP web hosting, and code snippets.


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Tutorials, tools and source code for using PHP - covering the absolute basics, databases, templating, and cookies.


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 15 - PHPcafe.net Browse Website open in new window
PHP scripts, code snippets, tutorials, community forums, PHP help and tips.


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 16 - PHP::Riot Browse Website open in new window
A web portal dedicated to PHP web development. It includes a variety of resources for PHP, MySQL, PostGreSQL, Apache, including scripts, programs, applications, tutorials, hints and tips, web hosting, publications and documentation.


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 17 - beginners php Browse Website open in new window
Resources for php and also mySQL including code samples, tutorials, books and links.


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 18 - WeberDev.com Browse Website open in new window
Database of examples, articles and tutorials from various fields which are web development related. It specializes in PHP, MySQL, Apache and Open Source.


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 19 - OxyScripts.com Browse Website open in new window
A PHP, MySQL and HTML programming resource site, with tutorials, code snippets and articles.


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 20 - PHPHelp.com Browse Website open in new window
Help for PHP programmers. Useful links and resources for getting started with PHP programming.


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