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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Oberon » Compilers

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Oberon System V4 (Johannes Kepler University Linz) A complete IDE including compiler, debugger, class browser, development libraries, network programming (TCP/IP, WWW, a complete web browser), and database connectivity.


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Small Oberon-2 compiler for Linux.


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Oberon-to-C translator; free downloads that can be used to create demo programs that identify themselves as such when started from Unix shells. [commercial]


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 14 - StOberon Browse Website open in new window
An Oberon compiler for the Atari St. (FTP Dir)


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 15 - MPW Oberon Browse Website open in new window
A compiler for the Oberon language for the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (Version 3.0 or later).


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Documentation for the Oberon-2 compiler available at Oxford.


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