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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Multiparadigm

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XL is designed to implement the ideas of Concept Programming. It can apply to many domains and problem spaces, not only a small subset of the problems users must solve.


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PI based COmposition LAnguage: research language to explore the paradigm: Application = Components + Scripts. From the University of Berne.


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Download of UMCS-92-4-3.


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General purpose, compiled; high performance, expressiveness, flexibility. Many features found in other languages, and extra features: creating new operators, keywords, programming paradigms. News, download. [SourceForge]


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Forum with many comments. [Slashdot]


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Presented at OOPSLA 1994.


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Usenix Paper discussing multiparadigm programming as part of a larger topic.


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Functional dataflow language, invented by Bill Wadge, Ed Ashcroft. Variables and expressions denote streams-sequences of data items. Input and output are streams, so a program is a Unix-style filter. Was basis for French real-time/reactive languages L...


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Visual multiparadigm programming: visual + object-oriented (signal flow + data flow); from Proceedings of 10th IEEE/CS Symposium on Visual Languages, St. Louis, USA, 4-7 October 1994. Downloads: HTML, PS.


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Describes basic elements (data, actions, tunings, voids, mixtures, ...) and principles of programming (stratification, implicit knowledge, limited freedom, ...), directed to amalgamating different programming paradigms (imperative, object-oriented, fu...


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